Reaching citizens: 20 actions to increase reach on Hoplr
In some towns and municipalities, Hoplr’s reach already exceeds 60% of all households
In the municipalities of Oosterzele, Boechout, Haacht, Rumst, Bornem, Aartselaar and Veurne, more than 45% of households are registered to Hoplr. Our primuses are consistently taking actions that bring citizens to the neighbourhood network. In this article, we want to inspire other towns and municipalities to further increase their reach on Hoplr.
Below, we share 20 actions you can take yourself. The actions are divided into:
1. Website
Be sure to mention Hoplr on the municipal website. Of course, you can simply publish news items regarding Hoplr there, but a permanent link proves to be even more effective.

2. Social media
Occasionally post about Hoplr via your other social media channels. Examples include:
- an announcement of the letter distribution
- the neighbourhoods lay-out
- new functionalities
- stories from users
- …

3. Newsletter
Citizens who have subscribed to the municipal newsletter will probably also be interested in the updates you post on Hoplr. In the newsletter, link directly to Hoplr periodically or permanently, via a news item, call-to-action or social button.
4. Press
By now, hundreds of articles have been published about Hoplr, including those that cover an initial rollout or anniversary of Hoplr in the municipality. So we have a lot of inspiration for you to quickly send a press release out into the world.

In addition to online press, you may want to target printed newspaper, radio and television as well.
Print and Out of Home
5. Letter distribution
Every launch starts with a city-wide letter inviting citizens to register. You can repeat this after a while for an extra boost in conversion.

6. Welcome pack
Make sure to include a Hoplr invitation or flyer in the welcome pack for new residents.
7. Banners
Strategically placing banners is definitely worth considering, especially during the initial roll-out. Opt for modest roll-up banners in the town hall or an eye-catching banner on a high-traffic road.

8. Info magazine
Cover Hoplr in the municipal info magazine – or give it a permanent place.

9. Posters
Hang up posters in places with a local character, and where many local residents might pass. Think of the bakery, the doctor’s office, the community centre, and of course the town hall.
10. Digital info panels
Does the municipality own any digital info panels? We would be happy to provide some material with the correct dimensions.

11. Gadgets
Use your creativity! In previous years, we already helped develop Hoplr-branded bread bags, bookmarks and mugs, among others.

12. Info session
Invite residents to an information session on the digital neighbourhood network. Such an information session is useful to highlight the added value of Hoplr. The fact that you can help visitors with their questions and registration on the spot can also have a positive effect on the number of registrations. We will gladly provide you with a suitable presentation.

13. Digital workshop
Does the municipality organise workshops for citizens to get to grips with computers or social media, e.g. for older residents? Make sure to include Hoplr. We will gladly provide some material and a demo account.
14. Representation on events
In the context of any neighbourhood related events such as a local fair, participation event,… think of Hoplr, and consider providing some visibility.

You may attend to represent Hoplr yourself, or ask a neighbourhood committee to hand out flyers, bring a banner, or man an information stand.
15. Network of intermediaries
Admittedly, this one is quite the investment, but will no doubt pay off in the long run. Not only in terms of reach on Hoplr.
Develop a network of intermediaries. That is a database of contact details from bridge figures who can connect you with all kinds of target groups. Especially those groups that are otherwise hard to reach, such as people in isolation, young people or immigrant communities.

Through these intermediaries, you’ll be able to spread info through channels best able to not only reach such target groups, but activate them. For example:
- A healthcare provider can point lonely patients towards Hoplr for social contact.
- A key person within a foreign-speaking community can convey the added value of Hoplr in the right language, and highlight its translation functionalities.
- Local associations aimed at older residents can assist members with their registration.
On Hoplr
16. Neighbourhood communication

Get started with Hoplr’s neighbourhood communication functionalities. They can increase conversion on Hoplr in several ways.
- For some citizens, external messages (about e.g. road works, waste collection, local events, …) are a key motivator to register.
- Hoplr users will want to pass on information to non-users, creating word-of-mouth advertising.
- Through external messages, you can ask users to invite other local residents to Hoplr.
For these reasons, consider involving other local parties to communicate via Hoplr as well, such as the local police, rubbish collector, or healthcare company.
17. Neighbourhood care
With our neighbourhood care functionalities, you can connect community workers, neighbourhood agents, care providers, local service centres, … via a verified account, with numerous benefits. You can read more about it here.
Community or social workers are in the perfect position to notice when isolated citizens may benefit from Hoplr. They may inform them about Hoplr, help them register or even post messages on their behalf.
18. Neighbourhood participation
Through a public engagement project, survey or participation platform hosted via the Service Dashboard, quite a few non-members may come into contact with Hoplr. Consult our participation functionalities, here.
Or, you might choose to run a low-risk project (choosing a name for a square, for example) exclusively on Hoplr. That can be a strong motivator to come take a look.
19. Internal info session
Get as many departments and employees of the organisation involved as possible. You may achieve this by organising an information session in which you explain Hoplr, and then reflect on what the digital neighbourhood network might mean to each department. Take inspiration from this example from the municipality of Knokke-Heist.
20. Mentions in external communication
Consider mentioning Hoplr as much as possible in all kinds of related communication. If inhabitants start a neighbourhood project via Hoplr, if the municipality launches a neighbourhood survey through Hoplr, … make sure to mention that in your social media posts, press articles or presentations. This way, citizens will increasingly associate Hoplr with anything neighbourhood-related.
These 20 actions can each provide a boost in your conversion on Hoplr; but a combination creates the strongest effect. As a local authority, you therefore have a great deal of control over the success of the digital neighbourhood network.
Not sure where to start? Feel free to get in touch, we are happy to help. Together, we will ensure that you will soon be able to reach up to 60% of all households.