Nearly 300,000 offline encounters via Hoplr in 2022: help, circular economy and neighbourhood activities
Hoplr closed 2022 with a lot of new municipalities and users on board. Together with customers old and new, we achieved milestones we definitely won’t let pass us by. Such as…
- the Municipality of Boechout now connecting 60% of its households via Hoplr.
- the City of Luxembourg gaining 2,756 local volunteers by launching Hoplr.
- the City of Halle involving 3,627 residents in its policy-making through Hoplr last year.
Each of our clients received a report containing some fascinating results. For our own amusement, we put all numbers together. Because how beautiful are all these connections and exchanges Hoplr brought about in 2022? Take a look at some key figures below.
Neighbourhood app

Hoplr now has more than 800,000 users, representing an average conversion rate of 30% per town (a mix of old and new customers).
Among those users, 294,631 offline exchanges took place last year. That’s the number of times local residents came together to:
- exchange items (give away, borrow, share,…)
- help each other (with a chore, for example)
- do something fun together in the neighbourhood (such as a neighbourhood drink)
Online, nearly 4 million exchanges between neighbours took place in 2022 (messages and reactions in the neighbourhood directory).
Some more fun figures:
- 51,040 users indicate in their profiles that they are available to help neighbours with all kinds of useful skills.
- On average, 51% of help requests posted on Hoplr in 2022 were resolved.
- Users posted 25,114 events in Hoplr’s neighbourhood calendars last year.
- There are now 13,706 associations and local businesses registered in Hoplr’s local directory.
Municipal communication
Our customers posted a total of 7,752 external messages in 2022. These are messages (mainly) from local authorities, e.g. about road works or initiatives in the neighbourhood. All those messages generated a total of more than 24 million views.
Additionally, a total of 202 professional community workers are registered with verified accounts. These accounts allow community workers to serve as a point of contact in one or more Hoplr neighbourhoods. Moreover, Hoplr offers them an overview of the social capital within the online neighbourhood.
Public participation

In addition to the neighbourhood network, we also offer cities and municipalities functionalities for citizen participation. Our customers published 175 surveys and 69 participation projects last year, through which 87,695 citizens shared their opinions with their local government.
A further 31 Public Participation Platforms were also launched: websites on which cities and municipalities bundle and present their participation initiatives in their own branding.
Neighbourhood Concierge

Since last year, we offer software that matches vulnerable neighbours with the local (formal and informal) help supply. You can download the report on that here.
We’ve launched the Neighbourhood Concierge in three regions, this year at least 15 will follow. In 2022, we already registered 272 seniors to the Neighbourhood Concierge. They were assisted by 297 help providers from the neighbourhood. A total of 683 actual help requests have been solved.