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What has been happening in Ukraine affects everyone. Councils and communities everywhere are making massive efforts to provide relief.

Many local councils were suddenly given new major responsibilities, from crisis communication to volunteer work, from collecting clothes to finding a place to stay.

Our customers are turning to the Hoplr neighbourhoods to find relief. Local residents, too, have been setting up solidary actions by the hundreds.

A Berchem resident discusses with the neighbourhood how to get involved for Ukraine: “[…] The question is: what can we, as Neighbourhood Nieuw Kwartier Oost, can DO from a humanitarian perspective (in collaboration with professional organisations: open our homes to Ukranian families, […].

2,000 km from here, war is raging. And yet, once again it appears that in times of need, we turn to those closest to us.

In this blog article, we name 9 initiatives from a total of 38 local councils that have posted on Hoplr. By doing so, we hope to encourage more governments to reach out to the local communities during this time of crisis. This way, they don’t only help Ukraine, but unite the neighbourhood around this common goal: providing relief to the countless refugees.

Looking for place to stay in the neighbourhood

The council of Oosterzele asks their Hoplr neighbourhoods who is willing to open up their home to refugees.

Collecting items

The council of Schilde is collecting items, such as clothing, sanitary products, blankets, etc.

Collecting funds for Ukraine

The City of Halle posts urges the neighbourhoods to donate through the Red Cross.

Finding helping hands

The City of Scherpenheuvel-Zichem seeks Hoplr neighbours to drive refugees from and to Brussels to sort out their permit of residence


The Municipality of Liedekerke seeks temporary reinforcement for their social services department

Invitations for info sessions

The City of Lokeren invites Hoplr users to attend info sessions about hosting refugees

Updates on the situation

The Municipality of Zele refers to a site where local residents can keep up to date on the latest developments regarding the war in Ukraine

Putting local initiatives in the spotlight

The Municipality of Waalwijk posts a message on Hoplr on behalf of organising local residents behind a local initiative

Showing support

The municipality of Laarne shares a message on Hoplr, expressing their support for Ukraine


Hoplr is there to reach out to local residents. So make use of it! We are certain our users are eager to contribute. We hope that the above examples from some cities and towns can inspire you to make use of the neighbourhoods’ potential yourself.

More and more Ukrainian refugees are now registering on Hoplr, indicating that they too seek connection with their neighbourhood far from home. We welcome them all.

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